Dear friends,
I can finally share the news!
To say I am excited doesn’t even begin to cover it.
With some awesome encouragement and support I’ve put together a book of the portraits I took during lockdown. A beautifully printed, A4 softcover book containing more than 90 images, some previously unseen.
If you are looking for a Christmas present to to put a smile on someones face please let me know. They are £20 and for orders within Peterborough I will include free delivery.
10% of profits from sales will be donated to
Give Back Peterborough, a local charity who work hard to help the local community, through their involvement with local schools, food banks, and also women’s aid.
Creating a book of my images has been a dream of mine for a long time, and after what has been a difficult year for everyone I hope it will be both a record of the local area and a beautiful keepsake from this strange and historic time.
My heartfelt thanks to all those who invited me into their lives, and an especially big thank you to my wonderful Granddad for encouraging me to produce this book.
Lauren xxx